presence of energy in every object, living or non-living has been
studied by the ancient as well as the modern sciences. In Einstein's
formula E=MC^2, we acknowledge the presence of energy in every mass
and the inter-portability of mass and energy. Bob Proctor has
always explained that if we subject our body to a microscopic
examination, we will see space, occupied by energy moving at such a
fast pace, that it seems solid and impenetrable. Effectively we are
also energy.
ancient traditions, energy residing in all objects has been given
different names such as Pran, Chi or Qi. All refer to the same cosmic
energy. This omnipresent energy is an aggregate of all vibrations of
the universe, be it sound, light, heat cold, electricity magnetism,
our emotions, our thoughts, objects, atomic energy; practically
everything. We are practically a mini cosmos, in unison with
the larger cosmos, interconnected to each other - making up the
cosmic energy and the physical state of cosmos as we see it with our
five senses and perceptions of our logical mind.
methods of controlling cosmic energy in meditative state for the
benefit of human race has been practiced in the Yogic, Kabbalah,
Chinese and Japanese systems. The 'super-natural' phenomenon like
'Extra Sensory Perception' or 'Astral Travel' developed through
meditation are still a mystery to the modern scientific systems.
Meditation ultimately gives the power to an individual to connect to
the cosmic energy and regulate the flow of this energy in one's own system,
to go beyond the limits of what we normally experience in our daily
YouTube video below shows the cosmic energy control by a healer, who
has mastered his energy control potential through meditation. He uses
this cosmic energy control, for healing the people who approach him for healing . He prefers remaining away from limelight
refraining from any kind of publicity. He however acknowledges that
every human has an unlimited potential hidden inside her/him & should be made aware of how to use it for
the good of the world we live in.
Click Here to View In Full Screen
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